Monday, May 6, 2013

A Little About Me

I feel like I should have written something about myself in my first blog post, as if rambling on about blog names didn’t tell you enough. I was obviously quite affected by the naming process, so I am going to backtrack and tell you about myself now.

I hate when I have to describe myself. Where do you start? How much do you tell? Talking bout yourself isn’t easy.

I feel like I am on an interview when the interviewer asks “tell me about yourself.”
Again, there are articles out there on how to write a blog post about yourself (Someone else telling you how to write about you? Weird!). There are almost as many as there are about, how to answer the dreaded interviewer question “tell me about yourself.” (I have to stop googling everything I do)

First, “tell me about yourself” isn’t a question! What do they want to know exactly? Do they really care if I was born in late March interrupting an important NCAA tournament game or that it is impossible for me to not eat the entire carton of Ben and Jerry’s Cinnabon ice cream? How about that I love my football team so much that I wore a jersey over my wedding dress for my bridal entrance? (All true!) No, they probably don’t care about that stuff. If I build myself up too much, I look snobby. If I don’t say enough, I look nervous or unqualified. So really, they just want to put me on the spot so that they can judge me. (Wow- that was a tangent and a half! Can you tell my frustration with interviewers?)

Those articles basically tell you to lie or “inflate the truth” (which is still lying!) to impress people. I don’t think so! People are going to judge no matter what and I would rather you judge me for me than for someone I made up.  The one good piece of advice that I did get from those articles? Don’t say anything that will turn the internet creepers on. (Although that could be just about anything these days).

So, now that I am done with the stray topics (I think), let’s see, I am a licensed attorney, in a few states, but I don’t think that I belong in one of your typical lawyer jokes and it definitely isn’t what defines me.

Before anything else, I am a mommy. I have a baby girl, Emmelyn (“Emme”), who is almost a year old and a step-daughter, Olivia, who is almost eight. They keep me on my toes. Olivia is a grown up in a little girls body. She makes me laugh all of the time and is very nosey- she needs to know everything and is always listening. When I married my husband, Olivia was six and we got together when she had just turned four, so Emmelyn is my first baby. I love her so much I could squeeze her (I don’t know why that is an expression because sometimes I do squeeze her and she does not like it). She wakes up happy (I have no idea who she got that from) and is super smart (I know all parents think that about their kids, but mine really is!)Every day she teaches me something new and I am sure that I will be writing about it.

I like to be creative (probably asking yourself how I became a lawyer…me too!). I like to make things or write things. As you can see, my creativity is very specific. Lol (can you write “lol” in a blog? It feels awkward.)

I stalk my children with a camera. I am what we call a “Momma-razzi.” I capture everything that they do. At less than a year old, when you call Emmelyn’s name, she turns and smiles because she thinks you are calling her for a picture. When she sees a camera she stops and poses. Yes, it is very a serious photo-addiction. It isn’t just me, though. My husband gets in on it, too. (I would say 40% because he likes it and 60% because I insist on it).

A little about the hubs, Josh describes himself as “a jack of all trades and a master of none.” However, I have yet to come across a project that he can’t complete (or fix because I tried to do it on my own first). If only he would do these projects one of the first 20 times I ask. All in all, he’s pretty handy to have around. 

I live by the motto, “when in doubt, Google it” (not Bing or Yahoo, just Google). In case you hadn’t noticed yet, since both this and my previous blog refer to things I read on the internet. Actually, even when I am not in doubt I still google so maybe I should change the motto to “just google it.” And why not? Everything you need to know is out there somewhere, isn’t it?
(WARNING: You should not use this motto with WebMD. Unless you already know what you have and just want info, searching your symptoms on WebMD will do nothing but worry you. Their slogan should be “WedMD, where every headache is a brain tumor.”)

So anyway, I googled, again, and here is what Google thinks I need to tell me readers.

Something about myself that will keep readers interested:
Well if my above tangent about interviewers and then again about WedMD or my ability to ramble about the title of my blog for an entire post doesn’t intrigue you then I don’ t know what will. How about a story?
Once I got pulled over for swerving and I told the officer that I was doing the electric slide and I turned up the radio. He laughed, told me he had other things to do and let me go. (I guess he appreciated my honesty). C’mon, that is interesting, isn’t it?

Why should you read my blog?
Because I am the mom and I said so. (I am dreading the day when I actually say that).  I hope to have some interesting stuff to say, and you don’t want to be the only person who didn’t read it when everyone is talking about it, do you? J

What qualifies me to be a blogger?
Ummm….I have a computer and internet access.  Do I need anything else? I can just google anything I need to know!

Something that will make you relate to me: Well, you also have internet, we have that in common… and you have gotten this far into my post. So far, I think we are doing pretty well. Hopefully you will read the next one, too!

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