Friday, June 7, 2013

Pinning Is Only Half The Battle

..actually, in most cases it is a lot less than half.

I used to be one of those people who refused to use Pinterest. For whatever reason I decided that there was absolutely no need for it and that I was not going to use it and I fought the trend.  I don’t think I had a real reason for it, I just didn’t want to submit to the craze.

Somewhere, somehow, that changed. I don’t know when it happened or how it happened but I started pinning and I haven’t stopped since. I pin everything- recipes, photography ideas, children’s projects, home projects, art projects, party ideas…you name it. The thing is, as with most people, I am an ambitious pinner with only a slightly creative hand. Most of those things don’t get passed the pinning stage because they get lost in the sheer number of things that I have pinned, but I have actually attempted quite a few projects and recipes.

The problem is, almost everything on Pinterest claims to be “so easy to do” or “the most delicious recipe, ever!” Not all pins are what they claim to be! (Imagine that! Can’t believe everything you read on the internet!) Of course, people aren’t going to pin things and say, “This took me 4 months to make and it still doesn’t work” or “I would rather eat dog food!” but the reality is that not everything is delicious and some things are just not made for the average D-I-Y attempter. 

Sure, building a playhouse out of pallets is “so easy” if you are a carpenter or an architect but it isn’t “so easy, anyone can do it!”  And sure that super healthy dessert with half the calories and all the taste is delicious but it also contained 4 ingredients, each costing over $8.00 that I had to go to three different organic health food stores to find. So, it may cut calories but it is hardly a cost effective, time saving treat. (Oh, and there is no way that your children will really love it more than ice cream!) 

I have even attempted some pins that were just plain lies. It wasn’t a matter of whether it was easy or time consuming. It just didn’t work.  On the other hand, some projects actually turned out to be a lot easier than I had anticipated.

Can you make anything you want glow using glow sticks? Does vinegar really clean everything under the sun? Can you use applesauce as a recipe substitute? I don’t know all the answers but I do know some and I have even modified some recipes and Pinterest projects to be better or at least easier. (Toot, toot!)

So I have decided that, I am going to provide some “Pin Reviews.” Before I buy anything on the internet I always Google the reviews first (mostly because returning things you bought online is a pain in the a**). If someone else already bought it and discovered it is going to break in less than a week, why should I buy it?

Same applies to pinning. If I already lost three days of my life trying to make a bee trap out of honey, a water bottle and a paperclip (Call me Macgyver!) because Pinterest promised I would never be bothered by bees in my yard again, and the bees were unaffected then why should you waste your time, too?

By the way, I never tried that bee trap thing and I don’t know if it involves any of those items. But I did pin something about an “easy” bee trap- I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.

So check back for my Pin Under Review and I will let you know what I think is possible, delicious and worth the effort and what is just…not!

Pins Reviewed:

Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes

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